
In this new series of blogs, we will talk more about Balsam Medico and give you an insider scoop of everything Medico. In this blog, we will talk about Reports and Dynamic Reports.

For a dental clinic, managing patient records is crucial for providing the best possible care. One way to ensure smooth processing is by requesting and generating reports. And with Medico, reports have never been easier.

Reports can offer valuable insights into patient data, treatment plans and financial records. It helps dentists and clinic administrators make informed decisions based on this data.

How can reports help you as a healthcare professional and clinic administration:

  • Efficient operations: reports can help identify inefficiencies in clinic operations.
  • Financial management: reports provide insight into the clinic’s financial health, including revenue, expenses and overdue payments.
  • Patient Care: reports can help you with patient records and keeping a tag on patients with specific treatment plans.

Reports in Medico

Reports in Balsam Medico can be divided into Static and Dynamic Reports. Static reports are the fixed reports in Medico that are available for all clinics and Dynamic reports are clinic-specific, these usually are reports the clinic requests.

On the Reports page, under the Financial Reports section, are the static reports. All these reports can be filtered by date. The following reports are:

  1. Cash flow statement: This is a financial report providing an overview of money moves in and out of the clinic during a specific time.
  2. Income statement: A financial report that gives a quick summary of how much money a dental clinic earned and spent during a specific during a specific period.
  3. Doctors report: this is a visual report on the doctors’ performance, select the doctor from the list and view their new patients’ number, appointment number and revenue at a specific time.
  4. Expenses report: This is a financial report providing a look into the expenses of the clinic
  5. VAT report: This report shows a detailed look at the VAT transactions in the system.
  6. Patient overdue: This is a financial report that can help you identify patients with an overdue balance.
  7. Transactions report: This is a report on every financial transaction that occurred in Medico during a specific time period.

Feel free to contact our customer success team to help you understand more about these reports.

Next are the Dynamic Reports. We recognize that each clinic is unique with its needs and each focuses on different concepts. Therefore, we introduced dynamic reports.

Each clinic or dentist can request a report with specific columns and data to be shown. Here are some steps to explain how to effectively request reports and how we create them:

1. Identify the report needed: As the dentist or clinic administrator, determine the specific report required based on the information needed. Common reports include appointment status, financial summaries like revenues and deposits, and patient treatment histories.

2. Choose the parameters: parameters such as the date range, patient demographics or specific treatments. This helps narrow down the data to be included in the reports.

3. Generating the report: Once we’ve collected the information, we start generating the reports to the dentist’s liking.

4. Review and Analyze: Once we’ve generated the report and set it up in the clinic’s account, the doctors and admins then review the report and report any mistakes or changes to be implemented.

Once everything is set, the report is now ready to be used in Medico.

The new reports are found in the Dynamic Reports section on the Reports page.

On the top right side of the report, the “Export report” button is found. This will export the report in a spreadsheet format, which you can later export to PDF or other various formats.

For other users of the system that don’t have the reports privilege in their roles, dynamic reports that they have requested to help them in their workflow can be found on the “Profile” page. Click on the settings icon near the name, and click on Profile. On the profile page beneath the “User profile” section on the left of the page, they will find their requested dynamic reports. These reports are also filtered by date and other parameters found and can be exported.

Thought of a new report you wish to include in your clinic? Reach out to us to bring this report to life!

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Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Contact us today: 📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Tel: +971 56 123 6043 📍 Khartoum, Sudan – Tel: +249 91 273 1048

Explore Balsam Medico and discover a world of efficient clinic management at www.balsammedico.com. Together, let’s reduce fines, elevate efficiency, and embrace a new era of dental healthcare.

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About Author

By day Customer Success Officer; by night Content Writer

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