
Continuing with our blog series, let’s talk about the inventory management through Balsam Medico. 

For a dental clinic to efficiently work and improve their process, clinics can start implementing inventory management all without costing a dirham. A well-organized inventory system helps you track supplies, reduce waste, and ensure you always have the necessary materials on hand. And with Balsam Medico, you can optimize the inventory in the best way possible.

What is inventory and how to manage it?

Inventory in dental clinics are the supplies that are used during the workday and consumed by the staff. It can consist of Medical supplies, stationary and various equipment. The list might be long, but that’s because even in the smallest clinics, many equipment and supplies are used. 

Examples are: 

  • Dental surgical kits
  • Disposable bibs
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouth trays
  • Face masks

In most cases, the clinic and the doctors create a list of all the stock or inventory that will be used by them. Once the list is created, data entry and purchasing is the next step. There are many ways to enter the inventory to manage such as a spreadsheet, inventory management or a sheet of paper. Balsam Medico can help you with managing by implementing inventory management within the system. Now you can manage your entire clinic in one system. Balsam Medico has intensive inventory management, you can add and log the inventory.

How to use inventory in Balsam Medico?

On the top of the main page, choose the “Inventory” tab to start the process. In the inventory page, you will find two pages “Inventory items” and “Inventory categories”. 

Start the process by adding the categories. Click the add button to name the category. You can delete the category found by clicking the button icon. After adding the inventory category, you can now add the items. In adding the inventory items, the necessary data are:

  • item name (example: Gloves), 
  • the category (existing or new by clicking the add new category button) and, 
  • the unit of measure (example: mg, pieces). 

The optional data are:

  • warning threshold (the number used to notify the quantity is about to finish), 
  • billable items (items charged by the clinic other than dental treatments) and,
  • notes. 

Once completing the form, you will find it in the list of inventories. Click on it from the list and a pop up box appears. The box is divided into Inventory details, Quantities and Inventory log. On the top is the inventory details with the edit button to change anything. Beneath it is the quantity management, click to add quantity. This is the quantity you purchased or have in stock at the clinic. With the quantity, add the expiry date and notes. If the quantity you added is less than the warning threshold, the system will warn you by highlighting the number in yellow. And another warning is provided if the expiry date has come. Next to the quantity is the reduce button, when the stock in your clinic reduces, click on the button, note down how much was used, you will find the new quantity is provided to you in gray, and the notes. Now it’s updated. Throughout your process, Medico saves a log of your activity to each inventory item. It will be on the right of the box, with the date and time, the user who performed the task and the activity details. 

There you have it, we have added a new item and managed the quantity of it. In the full list, you can search for an item or filter by either the inventory quantity status or the expiry status. 

The whole process is simple enough that depending on the clinic’s needs, the clinic can hire a staff member to handle the inventory or even the nurses can handle it in addition to their daily tasks. 

Once all items are added, keeping track of the stock is very easy. Just few clicks. 

If you feel the need to have extra explanation, contact our customer support team immediately and they will happily help you!

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Explore Balsam Medico and discover a world of efficient clinic management at www.balsammedico.com. Together, let’s reduce fines, elevate efficiency, and embrace a new era of dental healthcare.

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By day Customer Success Officer; by night Content Writer

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