Showing: 1 - 10 of 64 RESULTS
Clinic Improvement

What are NABIDH Consent Forms?

We’ve talked about NABIDH and we’ve talked about Consent forms but what are NABIDH consent forms? According to them, NABIDH (National Backbone for Integrated Dubai Health) is Dubai’s health information exchange that securely unifies patient data which is currently distributed across Dubai’s public and private healthcare network. At the heart of NABIDH is the concept …

Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: Inventory Management

There is nothing more vital for a clinic owner than ensuring that everything runs smoothly. There are many variables to consider, including patient care and personnel management. Additionally, effective inventory management is a crucial component of running a successful clinic. It ensures that medical supplies, dental instruments, medications, and other essential materials are always available.  …

Balsam Medico Features

Audit Logs are the Key to Smooth Clinic Operations

As a clinic owner, there’s nothing more important than making sure your clinic is running as smoothly as possible. But managing a clinic, whether small or big, comes with its own set of challenges. From patient care to employee management, there are various factors to keep track of. One crucial aspect to not overlook is …

Balsam Medico Features

Crafting Effective Payment Plans

For many patients, dental care prices can be a significant concern. As a clinic owner or dentist, flexible payment options can help support your patients and strengthen their trust and loyalty to your clinic. Constructing and utilizing payment plans effectively can make a difference in your clinic’s success and patient satisfaction.  Offering payment plans allows …

Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: Automate Treatment Followups

For most treatments, completing the treatment isn’t the end of the journey. A part of the post-treatment phase is making follow-up appointments for the same treatment to ensure oral health. These follow-ups not only guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment but also play a significant role in fostering patient trust and loyalty.  These follow-ups serve …

Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: Print Quotation

With the fast-paced environment of the clinic, effective communication with patients is paramount. One important part of communication is providing the patients with clear and concise information about the costs associated with recommended treatments. Patients should know how much their treatments cost whether it’s the cash price or the insurance price. One way to provide …

Clinic Improvement

Navigating CDT, CPT and ICD-10 Codes

In the UAE, understanding and correctly using CDT, CPT and ICD-10 codes is essential for dental practitioners and clinic owners. These codes are critical for accurate billing, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and providing high-quality patient care. If you are new to the UAE, these clinical data codes are widely used and keep a sense …

Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: In-Person Training and Support

When you subscribe to Balsam Medico, you are getting a great Clinic Management System and great Customer Success. We understand how daunting it is to adopt a new technology into your workplace. But with how the world is evolving, it is important to stay ahead of the game. That’s why we emphasize the importance of …