Showing: 61 - 70 of 103 RESULTS
Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: SMS Integration

In continuation of the features blog series, our next topic is the “SMS Integration”. The main missions of the clinic should be to keep the patients coming back, be satisfied with the process and start referring the clinic to others. A great way to increase patient retention is through enhancing the communication between the clinic …

Balsam Medico Features

Balsam Medico Features: Inventory Management

Continuing with our blog series, let’s talk about the inventory management through Balsam Medico.  For a dental clinic to efficiently work and improve their process, clinics can start implementing inventory management all without costing a dirham. A well-organized inventory system helps you track supplies, reduce waste, and ensure you always have the necessary materials on …

Clinic Improvement

Balsam Medico Features: Digitizing Consent form and Patient Signatures

In this new series of blogs, we will talk more about Balsam Medico and give you an insider scoop of everything Medico. Next in line: Consent Forms.In our process to completely turn every clinic in the Emirates paperless, we’ve introduced digitized consent forms.What are consent forms?In any medical establishment, the patient should be informed of …

Clinic Improvement

Mastering the Art of Negotiation for Dentists! How to Deal with Salespersons!

Dental schools have taught you how to perform and treat your patients. But one thing it hasn’t taught and you had to learn from experience is how to talk and negotiate with dental instruments or drug salespersons. It’s a daunting task for many, however, it is quite an important skill to learn. It’s to ensure …

Clinic Improvement

Engaging and Motivating Children into Taking Care of Their Teeth!

Most children hate going to the dentist, and it takes a lot of work to get them to sit on the chair. But in today’s world, teaching children about the importance of oral health can often be challenging. We can get kids to pay attention to their dental hygiene but it’s quite the challenge with …