Showing: 61 - 65 of 65 RESULTS
Clinic Improvement

Revolutionizing Healthcare with eClaimLink

eClaimLink is part of the eClaim project of Dubai Health Authority (DHA) with the goal of establishing a unified standard healthcare language between the emirate, securing the communication schema and contributing to a centralized health data tracking system. This provides all the needed information for DHA to organize, strategize and optimize the healthcare setting in …

Clinic Improvement

Must-See Dental Events in UAE: Dive into the World of Dental Events

One of the ways to exceed your dental experience and add to your plate is to frequent dental conferences and events. Everyone has their own reason for attending; some would attend to expand their professional network, some for social opportunities, and some might opt to enrol in educational classes that might add to their university …

Clinic Improvement

5 Questions About Nabidh You Need To Know: A Deep Dive into Registration and Regulations

As we discussed previously, Nabidh is Dubai’s newest HIE platform that securely unifies patient data, making data exchange between public and private healthcare networks easier. For healthcare providers, there are quite a few benefits to using Nabidh such as: Let’s answer some questions about NABIDH: 1. How can a healthcare facility integrate with Nabidh? There …

Balsam Medico News

Seamless Healthcare Integration: Balsam Medico Joins Nabidh’s EMR Network in Dubai

Today we are thrilled to announce that Balsam Medico is officially a Nabidh-approved Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and can be found on the Available EMRs list on their website. This marks a significant milestone in our journey towards improving healthcare management and simplifying the process for Balsam Medico’s users. So what does this mean for …

Clinic Improvement

Unlocking the Future of Healthcare with Nabidh

Introduction In today’s digitally connected world, the healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation. One of the driving forces behind this change is Health Information Exchange (HIE) platforms. These platforms enable the seamless sharing of patient data among healthcare providers, improving the quality of care and patient outcomes. One standout player in this field is …